Posted on March 18: McMaster community celebrates diverse campus culture

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Mac in 3D “]Students and employees from McMaster residences are launching a pledge
and button campaign in a bid to honour the diverse nature of the McMaster community.
The launch of the Mac in 3D – Diversify, Don't Discriminate campaign takes place Tuesday, March 18 at 12 p.m. in the McMaster University Student Centre Marketplace. There will be speeches by McMaster President Peter George and Noah Gano, first-year residence student and committee member, followed by a facilitated roundtable discussion.
Students and employees from the Residence Life Diversity Committee, formed in the fall, have joined together to promote diversity with the launch of the pledge campaign and a discussion on diversity. The committee was formed to take a proactive and educational approach to raising awareness.
“The idea of the diversity pledge and button is that people will wear the button and send a message that we're a diverse campus and we celebrate it,” said Michele Corbeil, residence manager-educational programs, housing & conference services. “We also want to discuss how our diversity can contribute to peace.”
Participants will take part in roundtable discussions following the launch of the pledge and button campaign in a process called Conversation Cafi. The idea started on the west coast following the events of Sept. 11.
Conversation Cafis are lively, hosted, drop-in conversations among diverse people where everyone can share thoughts and actions. Traditionally, Conversation Cafis are held in public cafis.