Posted on March 11: High school students explore McMaster

During March Break this week, countless high school students are giving their brains a time-out by hitting the beach or skiing the slopes. But at McMaster, you may have noticed many still have academics on the brain.
More than 3,500 students and their parents are visiting McMaster this week, partaking in one of several campus tours offered through Student Liaison.
And if numbers are any indication, students are showing a heightened interest in McMaster. Approximately 1,500 more visitors than last year are expected to tour campus this week.
“Taking a campus tour remains to be one of the best ways to find out what a university has to offer and March Break is the perfect opportunity for many of our applicants to visit campus,” says Patricia Harris, associate registrar for student liaison. “For most students, the campus tour is their first visit to the University. It allows them to get a sense of the size, layout and personality of the campus.”
Regular student tours take place Monday through Friday, at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and on Saturday at 9:15 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. This week they begin in the lobby of the McMaster University Student Centre. Students can register for a tour online at, or by phone 905-525-9140 ext. 23650.
Tours are filling up fast, notes Harris. Over the weekend, they received 273 electronic bookings, filling up all tours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. There are still openings for the rest of the week, although Harris expects these will also fill up quickly.
The 75-90 minute walking tour with a McMaster student guide covers the entire campus, including a stop at one residence building. Other areas visitors may see on tour (depending on availability and interest) include the student centre, athletic facilities, one of the libraries, a large lecture hall, smaller classroom, a science lab, a computer lab, cafeteria and perhaps Convocation Hall or the Museum of Art.
Although McMaster does not offer an open house during March Break, two simultaneous information sessions will be available Saturday, March 15 at 11 a.m. Approximately 1,500 visitors are expected Saturday, says Harris.
“In the session we will update our visitors on where we are in the admission cycle, what happens next, explain our first and second round of offers, when they will be notified about residence and scholarship offers and remind them about our Open House on May 24,” says Harris. There will also be a student panel to answer questions about student life at McMaster.
To accommodate an increased demand for campus tours, Liaison has hired additional tour guides to assist with the March Break campus tours and May@Mac on May 24. She expects more than 4,000 visitors will attend May@Mac.
For students who plan to visit campus only once, Harris suggests they attend May@Mac, the campus open house, where they can meet with faculty representatives, attend lectures and workshops, tour special facilities, talk with McMaster students and check out residence facilities, etc. For further information visit