posted on March 1: New program offers engineering students research opportunities, summer jobs
The Faculty of Engineering has launched a new initiative designed to give undergraduates research experience and, at the same time, summer jobs.
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) offers first and second-year engineering students summer employment contributing to a research-oriented environment.
Although the concept is well established at major American universities geared to science, engineering and technology research like Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it is relatively new in Canada.
Students can compete for a place in the UROP program in one of two ways:
- Presenting a statement of intent highlighting a specific research project already in place that they would like to contribute to, or
- Applying to positions posted by research staff.
The deadline for applications is Thursday, March 28.
The Faculty's goal is to provide 20 undergraduate engineering students with full-time summer experience. Salaries have been set at $10 per hour/35 hours per week for the 16-week period.
“Adding UROP to our other experience-based educational initiatives: industrial internships, positions funded through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and our integrated lab components, means that engineering students graduating from McMaster will benefit from a full range of programs linking education, scholarship and experience,” said Mo Elbestawi, dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
“We're especially pleased to announce that international students within the Faculty are encouraged to apply for UROP positions. This unique program demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the University's reputation as a student-centred, research-intensive institution.”
Faculty members, research centre staff, graduate students or upper level engineering students will oversee the undergraduate research projects depending on the environment in which the research takes place.
Although UROP is targeted to provide summer employment for first and second-year engineering students, the pilot project may be expanded to provide work on a part-time basis throughout the year if it is successful.
Engineering Career Services, located in John Hodgins Engineering building, Room A214, is administering the program. Students and faculty requiring additional information or those wishing to post or apply for UROP positions should contact Anne Markey, by e-mail at, or at ext. 27283.