Posted on June 3: Five student leaders recognized

McMaster University is the home of the leaders of tomorrow. This year, University President Peter George is awarding his student leadership awards to five individuals whose exemplary scholarship and service to community provide models of leadership for their fellow students and all members of the McMaster community.
The students will receive their awards at Spring Convocation.
Andrea Dumbrell has set an admirable example for other students through her achievements at McMaster and her volunteer work within the Hamilton community.
The Arts & Science Program student has been actively involved in education and mentorship projects, such as the Big Siblings program, being a teaching assistant and organizer of a TA conference.
A Dean's Honour List student, Dumbrell is also a lifeguard and swim instructor, a kickboxing enthusiast, and a captain of a co-ed volleyball team. She chaired the McMaster Students Union Teaching Awards Committee, wrote for school papers, and volunteers with the University's sexual harassment/anti-discrimination office.
She has published two reviewed articles on bioethics and has conducted research in clinical epidemiology.
Jennifer King has performed at a consistently high academic standard, while working tirelessly for the common good, on campus and in the broader community.
While at McMaster, King held a Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation award, given to students who show continued promise of character, academic excellence, leadership and a strong commitment to service in the community.
She co-ordinated the 10th Annual Gandhi Peace Festival, served on the public relations and MSU committees of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group-McMaster, was a career peer helper for the Career Planning and Employment Centre, and secretary of the Society of Arts and Sciences Students.
She was a research assistant, a TA, and an International House Residence advisor.
Sam Minniti is one of McMaster's most dynamic student leaders. He was president of the McMaster Students Union from 2001-02, a position that earned him the respect and confidence of his peers.
Minniti has represented his fellow students at many levels and on innumerable committees. His work has helped to create a stronger student community at McMaster.
Minniti established a number of student charitable activities including the Fundraising Initiative Team, Kojo's Kids, and Round-Up. He also helped establish the Dr. Mary E. Keyes Certificate of Leadership Program, served on the board of management for the McMaster University Student Centre, and was MSU Vice-President Administrator in 2000-2001. In 2002 he was awarded the Queen's Jubilee Award.
A humanitarian spirit has driven McMaster's Dan Olsen, who graduates this spring from the five-year Engineering & Management Program.
Olsen was founder and president of Engineers Without Borders this past year and in this capacity has provided leadership in the development of engineers with social responsibility.
Over several summers, Olsen was involved in humanitarian projects abroad, helping to build houses in Mexico and Nicarauga and working in an orphanage in Bolivia as a member of the Global Youth Network. Olsen is a former president of the McMaster's student Civil Engineering Society and served for two years as director of the Faculty's annual musical.
He is a member of the Dean's Honour List and a recipient of the Ronald. E. Materick Scholarship and Damina Miguel Headley Award.
McMaster political science and philosophy student Nicole Richmond has tremendous energy, a knack for working with others, and a desire to lead.
Richmond served on the Student Representative Assembly, the Educational Affairs Committee, Teaching Awards Committee, and the Gender Equity Committee. She was also an undergraduate student member of the University Senate (2002-02).
A member of the Dean's Honours List, Richmond has been a researcher for Pic River First Nations and worked on the community's land claim. She has been a volunteer for the McMaster Native Students Association and the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre. She has served as a research and teaching assistant, programming co-ordinator for Brandon Hall, and co-organizer of the March 2003 Women in Leadership student conference.