Posted on June 26: Chefs heat up in annual competition

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Seaweed and giant eels are frequent ingredients as master chefs in various culinary styles compete against challengers on the Iron Chef, a hit Japanese TV show that airs on the Food Network.
While McMaster chefs may not regularly reach for the giant eels, they are no less competitive, as they demonstrate this Thursday in the 4th Annual Culinary Challenge, part of the Canadian College and University Food Service Association (CCUFSA) Conference.
Wednesday, June 25 to Sunday, June 29, 2003, approximately 150 people from across Canada and the United States will gather at McMaster for the 25th Annual CCUFSA Conference. Delegates consist of representatives from student and hospitality services. Directors, managers, chefs, and industry partners come together to share ideas, information, and knowledge with peers from across North America.
Formed in Ontario in 1978, the CCUFSA has grown into a national group comprised of food service directors and managers from self operating and contracted schools as well as senior administrators that oversee food services as part of their portfolio. The goal of the association is to enhance the quality of campus life through the growth and development of food service operations in colleges and universities
The conference features speakers from both Canada and the U.S. These specialists will be presenting on the changing tastes of today's students and future trends in food services.
Explains Peter George, President of McMaster University, “Students are changing, both in numbers and in tastes. Next year at McMaster, we are expecting to welcome approximately 5000 new students. With this increase in enrolment comes an increase in diversity. Already, our students represent nearly 80 countries worldwide. These students present many challenges to food services staff.”
McMaster's La Piazza dining facility, located in the McMaster University Student Centre, is one of the largest and most diverse campus facilities of its kind in Ontario. From charbroiled steaks, fajitas, and wraps, to customized pasta stirfries and sandwiches, to gourmet baked goods, to the Made in Japan Teriyaki Experience, the variety ensures that there is something to please every palette.
The 2003 CCUFSA Conference will include a tour of McMaster University and it's newly developed buildings. Other events include a tradeshow of new age products and services designed for the university and college foodservice market and a cross Canada check-up.
The highlight of the conference will definitely be the 4th Annual Chef's Competition. This year's event promises to be the best ever, explains conference chair and director, hospitality services, Albert Ng. Five teams from both Canada and U.S. universities will participate in this ultimate test of culinary prowess and skill.
Like on the Iron Chef, it all comes down to one final question: Who will be victorious and who will be vanquished?