posted on June 13: Summer Drama Festival’s tenth season continues this week
[img_inline align=”right” src=””]The stages are set and the actors are ready to present two very different comedies, marking the tenth anniversary of the McMaster Summer Drama Festival.
This year's productions begin tonight (June 13) when the student-run theatre company presents William Shakespeare's romantic comedy Much Ado About Nothing in the Faculty Hollow beginning at 7:30 p.m. Later this week, the contemporary play Bag Babies, by Toronto playwright Allan Stratton, will be staged in Robinson Memorial Theatre. (Complete times and dates appear at the end of this story).
The plays were chosen to appeal to the community, says Megha Uttangi, who chairs the festival and directs Much Ado About Nothing. “This company is all about McMaster students giving back to the community.”
The plays are appropriate for all ages, says Uttangi, and she encourages people to bring blankets and a picnic when they come to the Faculty Hollow for the Shakespearean comedy. The Faculty Hollow is outside, beside the Alumni Memorial Hall. “Doing Shakespeare outside is wonderful in the summer,” says Uttangi. If it rains, the play will continue in the Robinson Memorial Theatre.
The company is made up of students from different Faculties. “The festival gives students who were too busy during the academic year the chance to do theatre,” says Uttangi.
Alana McCord and A.J. Haygarth star as the sparring lovers Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing.
Krista MacIsaac directs Bag Babies, a fast-paced farce starring Len Cain as George, a certifiable con-artist in search of his fortune.
The festival is non-profit and the students are all volunteers. Local theatres have helped provide the sets and costumes, says Uttangi.
Much Ado About Nothing
Where: Outside in the Faculty Hollow
Curtain time: 7:30 p.m.
Dates: June 13, 15, 21 and 23.
Bag Babies
Where: Robinson Memorial Theatre
Curtain time: 7:30 p.m.
Dates: June 16, 20, 22
Admission: Pay what you can.
(Photo: School of the Arts Web site)