Posted on June 12: Board of Governors approves Refining Directions

After months of discussion, consultation and review, both Senate and the Board of Governors have approved the final draft of Refining Directions, the next stage of the University's strategic plan.
“Tremendous effort has gone into the process,” says McMaster President Peter George. “From the more than 80 members of the six working groups to those who participated in the nine town hall meetings, the input we received throughout the process has been invaluable and has helped to craft the final document.”
The approved Refining Directions document is considerably shorter than the draft that was circulated for review earlier this spring. The earlier version was a discussion paper that included considerably more background material. It also incorporated the recommendations from the working groups that will be utilized throughout the Refining Directions implementation process.
The implementation of the Refining Directions goals and critical success factors will now begin. One of the first initiatives will be the creation of a working group to make a recommendation on the long-run enrolment of the University. Feedback during consultation indicated that considerably more discussion and information was needed before making this critical decision. The work group will be asked to have its recommendation to Senate and Board this December.
“Other initiatives to achieve the Refining Directions goals will be rolled out over the next few months and there will be considerable opportunity for people from across campus to be involved in this process,” says provost Ken Norrie.
Norrie would like to thank those who participated in Refining Directions and is happy to answer questions about the University's strategic direction.