Posted on July 4: Hindu faith conference at McMaster Sunday

If you need to learn more about the Hindu faith, then you might head down to the McMaster Student Centre this Sunday.
The Hindu Students Association (HSA) at McMaster University along with the Federation of Hindu Temples of Canada are presenting the Hindu Youth Conference, a day-long workshop featuring panelists who will answer various questions surrounding the faith.
“It's an occasion for people to learn, to have their questions answered and their doubts erased. But one of the outcomes that we're looking for is to eventually form a Hindu youth council for Canada,” says Omkar Persaud, conference co-ordinator.
This is only the second time that such an event has been staged. Organizers are aiming to hold the event at a different location within Ontario every year. Last year the event was held at the University of Toronto. Mac was chosen this year because of HSA's strong desire to host it, says Malika Sharma, HSA vice-president.
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