Posted on July 23: Temporary generators installed on campus

Starting this week, three temporary generators installed on the northwest corner of campus will supply up to 80 per cent of the peak energy demand at McMaster.
The low-sound, natural gas fired generators will produce 23.7 megawatts of power to all of campus. The generators will operate between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Monday to Friday for a maximum of four hours a day. McMaster will use all of the power in the summer months, while in the cooler months, the excess power will be fed into the Hydro One grid, with cost savings from this going to McMaster.
The Ontario government awarded Ontario Energy Management (OEM) a contract through the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation to provide three 7.9 megawatt generators (a total of 23.7 megawatts) of firm peaking capacity and energy located at the NF91 substation over the next seven to nine months.
The NF91 substation (located near the President's Residence) will be extended on the south side to encompass the generators and related equipment. OEM has commenced site preparation to have the generators fully operational by July 24. An underground natural gas line from Cootes Drive will supply the three gas turbine driven generators. There will be landscaping and fences installed once the safety fencing is erected and the equipment is put in place.
The IMO group (the government agency that controls the distribution of
electricity in Ontario) will control the times the generators operate. This contract also includes the supplying of all operational staff and security.
McMaster, Hamilton Health Sciences and OEM will share in the cost savings derived from this project.