Posted on Jan. 9: Members needed for Joint Rating Committee

The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC), established by McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA), has been working on the development of a new job evaluation tool for positions in the MUSA bargaining unit.
The JJESC has the responsibility to establish a Joint Rating Committee (JRC) who will be trained in the use of the new job evaluation tool and responsible for evaluating jobs in preparation for the implementation of the new system on June 16, 2005.
Members of the Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee are Susan Birnie, Carmela Civitareale, John Drake, Daina Green, Heather Grigg,
Marvin Gunderman, Kathy Ouellette, Gord Slater, Rosemary Viola, Nancy Vukelich.
The JJESC is now seeking members for the JRC.
The JRC will:
- consist of 12 individuals, six from the MUSA bargaining unit and six from University managers
- be representative of the breadth and type of jobs in the bargaining unit and the University
The roles and function of the JRC are:
- participate in training on the application of the job evaluation system, principles of job evaluation, avoidance of gender bias, and documentation of decisions
- rate all jobs from job content information provided to the JRC and document all decisions appropriately
- seek clarification from incumbents and their supervisors where there is insufficient information to agree on the rating of a job, using a consistent and fair procedure.
JRC members need to:
- be open-minded and possess the ability to work as a part of a joint labour management team with good consensus building skills
- be able to evaluate a broad range of complex information using their excellent critical analytical skills
- be able to convey their thoughts and rationale effectively in a group environment
- ensure consistency over time in application of the job evaluation tool
- possess an understanding of the range and diversity of work in the bargaining unit
- be able to consider the evaluation of the jobs separate from the jobs' current incumbents
- be able to learn quickly
- be able to work quickly and thoroughly.
Involvement will include:
- about one year beginning in February 2004
- individuals will be seconded to the JRC on a half time basis (mornings) and will retain their current positions in the afternoon
- managers will have the ability to backfill the JRC member's position on a half time basis for the duration
- for all work time spent on the JRC, the salary and benefits of the members will be maintained
- depending on the response, there may be options to serve on the JRC for a partial term
- a limited number of members will have the opportunity to continue their role on the JRC on an on-going basis as the new tool is used to evaluate positions beyond the initial implementation phase June 2005.
The selection criteria is:
- continuing employee status
- MUSA applicants must have membership in good standing
- University applicants should be in TMG or MUFA, and have supervisory experience
- familiarity with the McMaster environment and policies
- sensitivity to equity issues and awareness of pay equity legislation
- ability to work cooperatively within a team
- ability to work within tight timelines.
The MUSA bargaining unit consists of about 1,900 employees. Evaluations covering those jobs need to be completed.
The deadline for a response is Jan. 16, 2004 by 5 p.m.
The JJESC will review submissions from all applicants and may request an interview to aid in the selection process.
For further information about this endeavour, refer to the following Web sites:
Submit your statement of intent to the JJESC at the following e-mail address: Include the reason for your interest, any relevant experience, the contribution you feel you would make to the JRC and indicate the length of time you are interested in serving on the JRC.
If you have questions, e-mail them to