posted on Jan. 5:Peace studies offers course on the study of war

The Centre for Peace Studies is offering a course on the study of war this term. The three-unit credit course in peace studies, which may be taken on a dean's letter of permission, is titled an Introduction to the Study of War.
Mark Vorobej, director of peace studies, notes that this is in response to requests from many students for more peace studies offerings, while the Centre awaits Senate approval for introduction of the new Peace Studies Program.
While the situating of the study of war within peace studies may, at first, sound peculiar, the course will apply a peace studies approach to the subject, examining the effects of war on people, societies and the Earth. War prevention processes will be examined at the levels of interstate and state politics, social movements, and individual peace.
“In today's climate of escalating conflict at all of these levels, the study of peace — and of war — is of paramount importance, and should be of interest to students in many academic areas,” says Vorobej.
The course will be taught by Rajmohan Ramanathapillai, on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m., and there are no prerequisites. For further information on this course, please contact the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, TSH-726, ext. 23112.