posted on Jan. 4: Science dean Peter Sutherland reappointed to a second term

Science dean will serve a second term
Dean of science Peter Sutherland will serve a second five-year term. His reappointment, for the period July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2006, was approved by the Board of Governors in December. The recommendation of the ad hoc selection committee for the dean concluded that the needs of the Faculty are being well served by Sutherland.
A professor of physics & astronomy, Sutherland has his research interests in the modelling of physical processes in pulsars and supernovae, as well as in the numerical codes for radiative transfer models and dynamics.
Sutherland taught at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania before joining McMaster as an assistant professor in 1976. He became a full professor in 1982 and served as chair of the physics department from 1987 to 1991. He has served on numerous university committees.
Joint nursing program under discussion
A collaborative joint BScN nursing program with Mohawk College and Conestoga College is under discussion. In his remarks to members, University President Peter George said that the provincial government has offered development and operating funds for the program which are significantly less than what had been recommended by the joint panel for the project. George said that this means there are “insufficient funds to make this program viable at a quality that is necessary.” The consortium's initial proposal to the ministry included a request for funding for a new annex. George said there are continuing concerns about curriculum and space issues, but he remains optimistic that something will be worked out.
Maclean's ranking disappoints President
In other remarks to Board members, University President Peter George expressed disappointment over McMaster's placement in the latest Maclean's magazine ranking of universities. George remarked that he takes the rankings more seriously than some of his colleagues. “It is the most widely accessed national ranking system (in Canada)and it is important, I think, to take stock of where we standand look at the things we can do something about.”
Campus core will remain pedestrian
The Board also approved a second recommendation from the Planning & Building Committee to restrict vehicular traffic on University Avenue to service vehicles and public transportation vehicles.
Marc Marzotto, president of the McMaster Students Union, expressed satisfaction with the recommendation. “We're pleased the committee has recommended the presence of a pedestrian core. We have something no other Ontario university hasa beautiful scenic campus. This pedestrian core is something that is dear to us.” Elaborating, Marzotto remarked that on some occasions when he has been heading to his campus residence deer have crossed his path.
Hamilton Hall renovations budget approved
In closed session, the Board approved two motions concerning renovations to Hamilton Hall. A total project budget of $10.9 million (subject to the availability of funding) and the selection of Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects as project architects were
approved. The renovated building will house a new mathematics centre and the Department of Mathematics & Statistics.
The Board also approved a $3.9-million tender submitted by Bestco Construction Corporation for the building of an addition and renovations to the Nuclear Research Building (for the Institute for Applied Radiation Sciences).
Editor's note:The Daily News has already published stories on the naming of the new student centre and the establishment of the e-commerce research centre, two other newsworthy items from the Dec. 15 meeting. Stories on a balanced transportation strategy for campus, allocations from the McMaster University Futures Fund and new chairs, all items approved by Board, will be posted on the Daily News later this week.