Posted on Jan. 29: Second pilot project launched for Sterling Street traffic

In an attempt to ease traffic congestion and delays of vehicles entering campus at Sterling Street, a second pilot project will be implemented on Monday, Feb. 2.
Effective Monday, all Zone 1 and 2 parking permit holders will enter campus via a modified Sterling Street entrance. The chain gate at the north end of Forsyth Street will no longer be used.
The small kiosk at the Sterling entranced will be closed on Friday, Jan. 30 and removed January 31 and possibly February 1. Zone 1 and 2 permit holders will use this right-hand lane to enter campus without interruption. Visitors arriving at campus will use the left-hand lane that will access the remaining kiosk. Signage will be installed to direct vehicles to the appropriate lane.
Last August, a pilot project was implemented to help alleviate traffic congestion at the Sterling Street entrance. During the pilot, Zone 1 permit holders entered campus at the north end of Forsyth Drive instead of through the Sterling Street entrance, during peak traffic hours. The effectiveness of the pilot was monitored and determined that although it generated some benefits to reducing traffic congestion on Sterling, pilot #2 should be implemented to determine if it can achieve greater benefits for all involved - vehicle drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and local residents.
Effective Monday, regional police officers will direct traffic at Sterling and Forsyth, and parking officers will direct traffic on campus. Both incoming lanes will be closed on Saturday and possibly Sunday to remove the small kiosk and erect signage. Campus traffic will be re-directed north on Forsyth Street to the chain gate entrances, south and north of Ivor Wynne Centre. HSR bus traffic will be directed south, on Forsythe Avenue, around the hospital and out to Main Street. Allow extra time to get to your campus destination and obey the officers directing traffic.
The following Saturday, there will be some traffic interruptions as large overhead signage is erected.
Questions about the program can be directed to the Parking & Transit Services office at ext. 23476 or ext. 24232.
For information on transit services this weekend during construction, click here.