posted on Jan. 26: Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Thanks for helping us celebrate the Daily New's first birthday. Here's a sampling of comments and best wishes received:
- “The Daily News has been a real breath of fresh air in campus
communications, and a ready source of up-to-date information about
McMaster. Keep up the good work, and may the DN see many more birthdays!” - “Hey! Job well done. As veteran Hamilton Spectator readers know, I (provost Harvey Weingarten) consult this site on an almost daily basis!”
- “Happy Birthday to you, Daily News. Keep up the good work!”
- “Congratulations to all of you for all of your efforts…what a wonderful impact this site has had for so many people! Kudos to all of you who have been involved!”
- “… best wishes for the months ahead. You are the first thing I
look at when I logon in the morning. The stories keep me informed and I like the fact that I can go back and check on some of the articles
'published' in previous months. I find the list of other institutions
and government offices also very useful. Thank you for your help and,
again, Happy Birthday.” - “Congratulations! I find this to be an excellent service and source of information. “
- “McMaster Daily makes me feel part of the university even though I work
off site at the Henderson Hospital. It was my only regular source of
university information when I wasn't on the mailing list for the first
year and half while I was Roll 3. Good Job.”