Posted on Jan. 23: McMaster University honours top young scholars


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”McMaster’s top scholars”]They're the best of our best. Perfect 12s. Straight As.

Almost 200 young scholars were honoured this week for their outstanding academic achievements and demonstrations of excellence.

McMaster President Peter George and Ken Norrie, provost and vice-president academic, hosted a reception Wednesday to celebrate the 2003 recipients of the President's Award and the Provost's Honour Roll.

A total of 166 students were awarded the President's Award in 2003.

They are a select group of young scholars who were awarded entrance scholarships as they achieved averages of 95 per cent or more in their final year of high school. These top entrance awards are renewable in the second year provided that students achieve Dean's Honour List (about 80 per cent) in their first year of full-time study.

President George congratulated the students for their achievements and emphasized the University believes that how students are taught is just as important as what students are taught.

“We want to prepare you well for the future,” he said. “For that reason, we place a great emphasis on helping you develop the skills for life-long learning.”

He added: “We challenge our students to be the very best that they can be. For McMaster these are not mere words. At McMaster we seek to be the very best in all that we do.”

Fifteen students were also honoured for their accomplishments in attaining a perfect 12 academic score or straight A grades during the 2002-03 school year. They were named to the Provost's Honour Roll for their academic excellence.

“Achieving this milestone has taken tremendous dedication, sacrifice and hard work,” said Norrie. “You have clearly demonstrated that you are outstanding scholars. I invite you to recognize and take pride in the high standards that you set for yourselves as well as for McMaster. You help make McMaster the quality school that it is with a reputation for excellence.”

Photo caption: Provost Ken Norrie, centre, and ten of the Provost's Honour Roll recipients during a reception to celebrate the 2003 recipients of the President's Award and the Provost's Honour Roll. Photo credit: Ron Scheffler