Posted on Jan. 22: Students sing and dance off winter blues


McMaster students are hosting a Charity Ball and Mac Idol singing competition this month in an effort to ward off the winter blues.

Mac Idol is a three-week program where talented McMaster students sing for the title of MAC Idol. More than 500 students participated at the first semifinal. The finals will be held Jan. 28 at Quarters Pub. The contestant who becomes MAC Idol wins a spring break trip for two to Daytona Beach as well as a chance to represent McMaster in the Ontario-wide university and college Campus Idol event.

January also features the McMaster charity ball on Jan. 30 at the Hamilton Convention Centre, with the theme Casablanca.

Tickets for the event are available at the compass information centre in the McMaster University Student Centre. Proceeds this year will go to Good Shepherd Centres and the Animal Welfare Association of Hamilton.

Click here to read the story in today's Hamilton Spectator.

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