Posted on Jan. 19: Students, employees butt out during National Non-Smoking Week

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”LetsMakeADeal logo”]Health and wellness promoters are making a deal with McMaster students and employees this week. Butt out and win.
As part of National Non-Smoking Week, McMaster's Campus Health is joining campuses across Ontario in the annual Leave The Pack Behind initiative that encourages both students and employees to reduce or quit smoking. Those who are successful can win cash prizes, donations from local businesses and campus bookstore coupons.
“Noting that Canadian 19- to 24-year-olds have the highest smoking rate of any age group and show a preference for cigarettes labeled light and mild, this Government of Ontario and Health Canada funded initiative will attempt to motivate students and employees of McMaster to quit, reduce or not start smoking,” says Jane Radix, health education co-ordinator with Student Health Services.
The week-long contest will run at McMaster, Brock University, University of Guelph, University of Ottawa, Queen's University, Ryerson University, University of Toronto and University of Windsor. The Let's Make A Deal contest offers cash prizes, donations from local businesses, and campus bookstore coupons to both students and employees achieving various levels of success in reducing or quitting smoking.
“Last year's contest was a definite success,” says Radix. In total, 866 contestants entered across the various campuses. Strict guidelines and regular assessments (including smokalyzer tests) of participants throughout the contest will assist individuals to keep their deals.
Contestants also received 'Survival Kits' and a self-help manual along with ongoing assistance from Leave The Pack Behind trained student staff and Campus Health Centre physicians and nurses.
Students and staff can access and select McMaster Campus for more details about the contest or drop by the Leave The Pack Behind office in Health and Wellness, MUSC B106 (ext 24841).
As part of National Non-Smoking Week, Employee Health and Wellness is promoting Weedless Wednesday on January 21. Smokers are encouraged to take it one-day-at-a-time by butting out on Wednesday.
The 2004 Ontario quit smoking contest Quitting and Victory is for those who quit completely by March 1 and stay smoke-free until March 31. Contestants have a chance to win a Mini Cooper car or Toshiba home theatre. Registration forms are available from Employee Health or online at
For more information visit the Employee Health Web site. A Smoker's Helpline is also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-877-513-5333.