Posted on Jan. 14: Mac students help Neptune add 3 moons

Two McMaster undergraduate students have helped a team of astronomers discover three new moons around Neptune.
The students (Dan Milisavljevic, a fourth-year arts and science student and Wesley Fraser, a third-year astrophysics student) worked with J. J. Kavelaars, of the National Research Council of Canada, who co-led the project with Matthew Holman of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Center.
The two organizations jointly announced the find yesterday.
Kavelaars said the discovery, which boosts the number of Neptune's moons to 11, will help scientists unravel the mysteries of how gaseous planets, such as Neptune, are formed, and eventually help solve the puzzle of the creation of the solar system.
Neptune is one of four gaseous planets, with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
Click here to read the complete story in The Hamilton Spectator.