Posted on Jan. 10: Teaching assistant contract negotiations go to conciliation

A provincially-appointed conciliator has been requested to help the University and the union representing teaching assistants (TAs) reach a new collective agreement.
The University's bargaining team asked for a conciliator late last month because it felt a third party would help both sides reach common ground.
Once a conciliator is appointed, he or she will call a meeting of the bargaining teams from the University and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3906 – Unit 1, to continue their work on reaching a new collective agreement.
McMaster University President Peter George said he is confident both groups can work together to reach a collective agreement in the coming weeks.
“We firmly believe in and are committed to the collective bargaining process,” said President Peter George. “I have every confidence that with the aid of a conciliator the two bargaining teams will work hard to successfully negotiate a new agreement.”
On Wednesday, an information picket was held outside council chambers by some union members prior to a regularly scheduled Senate meeting.
During the last full academic year, there were more than 1,800 TAs. At McMaster, teaching assistant duties may include running tutorials, marking, lab supervision and student consultation.
The TAs' previous collective agreement expired Aug. 31, 2002 and negotiators representing both sides met 11 times between September and December 2002.
Sessional lecturers, represented by Unit 2 of CUPE Local 3906, settled with the University at conciliation in early July last year. They have a three-year agreement that expires April 30, 2005.