Posted on Feb. 6: Interfaith Unity Group hosts World Religions Day Fair

World religions will congregate in the McMaster University Student Centre Marketplace today (Thursday, Feb. 6).
Coordinated by the Interfaith Unity Group, McMaster's first annual World Religions Day Fair takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“While each faith represented embodies aspects of culture, the essence of what is being communicated is the raison d'etre of the various faiths and philosophies,” says Carol Wood, ecumenical chaplain. “Our “neighbourhood” at McMaster includes people of many theological and philosophical persuasions. Interfaith Unity seeks to foster understanding, which begins with education. Interfaith Unity also seeks to foster respect, which begins with listening and being in dialogue with people whose background and religious beliefs may differ from our own.”
McMaster Interfaith Unity, an MSU club, coordinates events and presentations throughout the year to promote religious and cultural tolerance within the McMaster Community.