Posted on Feb. 5: Lion Dance marks Chinese New Year

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Lion Dance”]Giant, colourful lions danced through the McMaster University Student Centre today to mark the Chinese Lunar New Year.
McMaster's Chinese Students' Association, one of the largest and oldest student organizations on campus, celebrated the New Year with a traditional Lion Dance. As part of this tradition, McMaster President Peter George, McMaster Students Union president Evan Mackintosh and Luke Chan, executive director of the Office of International Affairs, dotted the lions' eyes prior to the dance to awaken the lions' spirits.
The celebration features games and foods of the Chinese New Year and for the first time in the 36-year-old association's history, the traditional Lion Dance.
The celebration takes place in the MUSC Marketplace from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.