posted on Feb. 26: Notice to readers: Further explanation of University’s monetary offer

Editor's note: This information was posted late yesterday. The details presented here are unchanged from previous versions. However, based on feedback we have received, we believe this presentation of the monetary offer (amended at 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 27) may be more clear.
Dear Readers,
We have received a couple of e-mails from readers which indicate some need to more fully explain the University's monetary proposal that was posted on the Daily News on Feb. 19. We have contacted the University's bargaining team and supply the following:
Under the University's monetary proposal (which would cover the years 1999-2003), MUSA members would receive:
7 Back pay representing an across-the-board increase of 2 per cent of base salary for 1999-2000 (year 1).
7 Back pay representing an across-the board-increase of 5.2 per cent (2 per cent from year 1 plus 3.2 per cent in year 2) of salary for 2000-2001 (year 2).
The back pay provided for the above two years is not pensionable.
7 A 5.2 per cent across-the-board increase to base salary (mentioned above), which will be added to base salary in 2001-2002 (year 3), effective July 1, 2001. The 5.2 per cent increase becomes pensionable in year 3.
7 A 2 per cent average increase to base salary will also be paid in 2001-2002 (year 3) to implement a new grid system (currently being negotiated with MUSA). Some MUSA members may get more than 2 per cent and others may get less (depending on placement within the grid). A date for this increase to take effect has not yet been determined. (For those who receive both the base salary and the average grid increases, the cumulative increase in base salary in 2001-2002 (year 3) is 7.2 per cent.)
7 A 2.5 per cent across-the-board increase to base salary will be added in 2002-2003 (year 4). (For MUSA staff who receive all of the increases outlined above, the cumulative increase in salary in 2002-2003 (year 4) is 9.7 per cent.)
Example: For a staff member with an annual salary of $36,400 (based on a 35-hour work week at $20 an hour) the offer would look as follows:
Year 1: $728 in back pay (2 per cent of base salary)
Year 2: $1,892 in back pay (2 per cent ($728) plus 3.2 per cent ($1,164) of base salary)
Year 3: $36,400 X 5.2 per cent (increase to base salary) = $38,292 (increase of $1,892)
$38,292 X 2 per cent (average increase to base salary for grid implementation) = $39,057 (increase of $765)
Year 4: $39,057 X 2.5 per cent (increase to base salary) = $40,033(new salary)
After the increase in the fourth year, the new salary reflects an increase of almost 10 per cent.