posted on Feb. 21: University’s Proposal on Job Security

The following information, provided by the University's bargaining team, is being distributed today to employees in the MUSA bargaining unit.
Job Security
The University has created its job security proposals based on two
principles: qualifications and seniority.
McMaster needs to hire the best candidates to achieve its mission of
excellence and innovation. The University is committed to enhancing
employee job security through the following three step process. We know
how important this is.
Priority Placement
The University recognizes the importance of priority placement for
employees. Any employee whose job is declared redundant will continue
to have the right to be appointed to another position within the
University when they have the qualifications for the position. A vacant
position would only be advertised after all employees on priority
placement or recall have been considered for the position.
Displacement or Bumping
If priority placement is unsuccessful a displacement process begins.
The University has made a large concession to MUSA with the introduction
of displacement or bumping into the job security program. An employee
would have the right to displace another employee in the same pay band
within a designated group which includes a minimum of 100 employees.
Displacement is based on the principles of qualifications and seniority.
The University proposes that soft funded positions, such as research
funded position and positions funded through physician's billings be
excluded from the displacement process. However, regular employees in
these positions will have full priority and displacement rights
MUSA wishes an open bumping system without restrictions.
Recall Rights
The University proposes that employee recall rights continue for 12