Posted on Feb. 20: Light bulb goes off for communications students

In a place where the future looks dark and uncertain, the light bulb is pure information.
This year, for the first time in McMaster's history, the University will be hosting an Undergraduate Communications Conference titled “Breaking the Bulb.” Organized by third-year McMaster communications studies students Martin Pahulje and Yvonne Betancur, and supported by the Career Planning and Employment Centre, McMaster Association of Communications Studies Students, the Communications Studies Program, the Faculty of Humanities, and the Centre for Leadership in Learning, this conference has been put together to break down the barriers to knowledge and provide a direction for communications students concerning their future within the field of communications.
“Unlike the dramatic inflation of student interest within the program of communications, resources such as scholarships, tutorial services and career initiatives (co-ops and internships), are not reflecting the importance of this program to the University as a whole,” says Pahulje. “This conference seeks to rectify this problem by offering students a glimpse into what their communications degree offers.”
Students will have the opportunity to meet, greet, wine and dine with communications industry representatives through career oriented and academic information sessions, invited guest speakers, a McMaster professor panel that will discuss current academic research done by our institution, and a networking breakfast. The purpose of this conference is to alleviate some of the uncertainty that students have in terms of where their education will lead and provide an introduction into the world of communications.
Breaking the Bulb will be held Tuesday, Feb. 24 on the third floor of the McMaster University Student Centre.
Participants in this conference include:
- Dan Dunsky and Wodek Szemberg – TV Ontario
- Curtis Biehler – Venture Internet Marketing
- Aaron Dowden – Segal Communications
- Marie Verdun – Brickworks Communications
- Andy Querin – Zoom Media
- Calan Boyle – The Silhouette
- Lisa Caines – Office of Public Relations, McMaster University
- Victoria Miecznikowski – DeGroote -PR McMaster School of Business
The complete schedule of events, as well as more information, can be found at: