Posted on Feb. 2: Unique national mentoring program launched at McMaster

Exceptional McMaster University students are taking part in a new mentoring program that pairs Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation award winners with local community and academic leaders.
The mentoring program is designed to build on the students' attributes as innovative thinkers and leaders and reinforce their established commitment to giving back to their communities.
The pilot project is being launched in Canada at McMaster. The mentors who have stepped forward to guide the McMaster chapter will offer the laureates access to the skills, wisdom and the important learning experiences that responsive advisors can provide.
Working in partnership with the Foundation, Colleen Cowman '82, a member of the McMaster community and Renate Davidson, an active Hamilton leader and vice-chair of the Hamilton Community Foundation, will support the advancement and impact of the McMaster laureates within Canadian society.
In the past four years, the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation has granted more than $19 million in scholarship and bursary support to McMaster students.
A total of 83 McMaster students 67 Millennium Excellence Laureates (applied from high school) and 16 Millennium Excellence National In-Course Laureates (already enrolled at McMaster) were granted awards for this academic year.
The awards vary from $4,000 to $5,000 annually depending on the level of achievement. The student award winners have excelled in the areas of community involvement, innovation, leadership and academic achievement.