Posted on Feb. 17: McMaster to showcase emerging technologies

The latest in LCD, plasma and wireless projectors will be on display Wednesday, Feb. 18 at the second annual Emerging Technologies Showcase.
Fifteen suppliers, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, 3Com, Cisco, SMC, AMD, Intel, will showcase information technology (IT)'s latest technologies and trends in the McMaster University Student Centre.
“This event will draw attendees from all levels of government as well as the private sector,” says Terry Galan, director of McMaster's Purchasing Resources. “With an estimated 500 to 600 attendees, this proves to be the regions premier IT show.”
Vendors will host breakout sessions on such topics as wireless networking, the latest display technologies, centralized printing management, and network security. Each registered attendee has the opportunity to win a variety of prizes including digital cameras, laser printers, wireless access points, various clothing and a $500 travel voucher.
The showcase is presented by McMaster University's Purchasing Resources and Audcomp Computer Systems of Hamilton, one of the University's preferred supplier partners.
Sessions begin at 9:30 a.m. in the CIBC Hall on the third floor of McMaster University Student Centre. For further information and to register, visit