Posted on Feb. 11: Endowed chair anchors world-renowned child psychiatrist

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Peter Szatmari”]McMaster University, Hamilton Health Sciences and Chedoke Health Corporation today announced the appointment of Peter Szatmari, MD, as the first holder of a new chair in child psychiatry.
Szatmari, 52, is a professor, vice-chair of research, and head of the division of Child Psychiatry at McMaster University. He is a member of the Offord Centre for Child Studies, and he is a world-renowned expert in the study of autism and pervasive developmental disorders.
The new chair, the Chedoke Health Chair in Child Psychiatry at McMaster University, will support Szatmari in his current research. He is leading an international collaboration investigating the genetics of autism, and is conducting a longitudinal study of anxiety and mood disorders in adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and autism.
This chair will anchor one of our leading researchers in psychiatric disorders of children, said John Kelton, MD, dean and vice-president of the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster.
“The importance of childhood psychiatric illness and its impact on society are considerable and Dr. Szatmari will continue his important research.”
He said the Chedoke Health Corporation's generous endowment comes at a time when the Canadian medical community has identified that the prevalence of child psychiatric disorders that are associated with significant impairment is around 15 per cent of all children.
Murray Martin, president and CEO of Hamilton Health Sciences, emphasized the importance of Szatmari's research to the mission of McMaster Children's' Hospital.
“Dr. Szatmari, and other members of the Offord Centre for Child Studies, provide the highest level of care to children who suffer psychiatric disorders,” said Martin.
“The Centre makes a real difference in the lives of these children and their families. We are delighted with Dr. Szatmari's appointment. This support will help advance his work and improve patient care.”
Chedoke Health Corporation supports health activities in the Hamilton region. Paul Southall, president of Chedoke Health Corporation, is excited about the partnership with McMaster University.
“Chedoke Health Corporation is delighted to continue its support of child psychiatry. We assisted in the inception of the centre for child studies, and this program continues to be very important to us.”
Szatmari completed his undergraduate degree and medical degree at McMaster, and completed his training in child psychiatry, both at McMaster and at the University of Manchester in England.
He was instrumental in developing the Pervasive Developmental Disorder Team at Chedoke Child and Family Centre, a regional diagnostic and treatment program for children with this diagnosis.
“It is a great honour to receive the first chair in child psychiatry at McMaster University,” says Szatmari. “The support provided by this Chair will allow me and my colleagues in the Offord Centre to raise McMaster's profile in children's mental health training and policy-making, both nationally and internationally.”
Photo caption: Peter Szatmari. Photo credit: Ron Scheffler