Posted on Dec. 5: McMaster employees celebrate 25 years of service

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Quarter Century Club”]On Thursday, Dec. 4, more than 100 guests were invited to McMaster University's annual Quarter Century Club dinner. The dinner, hosted by President Peter George, is in recognition of the dedicated service of more than 70 McMaster employees who have achieved 25 years of service with the University.
In 1978 when these employees began their employment, McMaster was still in its formative development in many areas. In every decade since then, McMaster has grown and prospered with the hard work and dedication of people like the new members of this prestigious club.
“It is really quite inspiring to look around the room this evening and see the faces of so many people who have contributed so much to McMaster,” said President Peter George. “At the end of the day, this campus' most valuable resource is its people.”
For a complete list of this year's Quarter Century Club inductees visit the 2003 Quarter Century Club Web page on the Working at McMaster' Web site.
Photo caption: McMaster employee Ray Procwat sharing a moment with President Peter George at the Quarter Century Club induction dinner. Photo credit: Anthony Celani.