posted on Dec. 4: University to update campus plan

There's going to be a whole lot of planning going on around campus over the next year. The University has decided it's time to update the 1992 Campus Plan.
“The pace of change at McMaster has accelerated considerably over the past couple of years,” says Karen Belaire, vice-president administration. “It's important that the University takes the time to look beyond specific construction and renovation projects and to review the principles and vision for the campus as a whole. We need to answer such questions as, 'How do green spaces relate to buildings? What is the role of heritage buildings, and what is campus capacity?' All these issues will be considered in relation to McMaster's Academic Plan.”
A steering committee which represents faculty, staff, students and the University, has been struck to oversee the planning process. Urban Strategies Inc., a consulting firm with extensive experience in university planning, has been contracted to assist McMaster. The plan itself will proceed through the University's normal decision-making processes, including the University Planning Committee, Senate and the Board of Governors.
The campus and the community will be kept up-to-date on the planning process and on opportunities to participate. This will include regular updates on the Daily News Web site and information in the Courier and other publications. A planning Web site will also be developed.
Belaire says, “One of the guiding principles of the planning process is that it will involve consultation with both the campus and external communities from the very beginning.”
That process starts in early December when a series of targeted interviews will be held with key University decision makers, including the MSU, community groups and other agencies such as the Westdale BIA and the Hamilton Conservation Authority. Stakeholders will also be invited to a vision workshop this winter. The first Community Open House is planned for campus in early spring. This early input will help to create the draft campus plan, which will be presented at a second open house next fall.
According to Belaire, the planning process is following an ambitious timeline that anticipates a final campus plan by the end of 2001. “The face of campus is changing at what some might consider an alarming speed. It is important that the updated campus plan be completed in a timely manner so that the planning principles it develops can be implemented.”
Campus Plan Steering Committee
Karen Belaire(chair), vice-president administration
Linda Axford, administrative co-ordinator, Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition
Bob Carter, director, physical plant
Andrea Farquhar, associate director, public relations
Brian McCarry, professor, chemistry
Stan Misiak, architectural technologist,physical plant
Meaghan Stovel, student representative
Roger Trull, executive director, University Advancement