Posted on Dec. 3: School of Business to host seminar on steel

A seminar on steel will be hosted by the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business Thursday, Dec. 5.
The all-day seminar will go beyond the technological world of steel and how steel competes with other materials, to take in new auto-steel strategies and uses of steel in the housing sector.
“We don't usually think in economic terms, we think more in technological terms,” said Gord Irons, head of McMaster's steel research centre. “This is the first time we've done something on this basis.”
The centre, part of the engineering faculty, is hosting the workshops along with the university's office of research and international affairs.
About 50 people — from local industry and economic development circles to provincial officials — are expected.
Click here to read the story in today's Hamilton Spectator.
(The Hamilton Spectator, Dec. 3, 2002)