posted on Dec. 18: University negotiators present monetary offer to MUSA team

The University's bargaining team has put a monetary offer before negotiators for the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA). The offer was tabled on Thursday, Dec. 14 at the second negotiating session held this month between the two parties.
For the University, the action completed a desire to have a full proposal on the table prior to the holiday break. “The bargaining team and the University's administration are aware that people work hard and need to know that their work is recognized in a fair manner,” said Mark Haley, assistant vice-president, human resources and a member of the bargaining team. “The staff survey indicated that compensation was a major issue for staff and the offer we tabled recognizes this issue and addresses it in a significant manner.”
McMaster University Staff Association president Barry Diacon, when asked whether an offer had been tabled, remarked that the University makes offers all the time. Questioned specifically about a monetary offer, he had “no comment.”
“We don't comment on the specifics of any offers. We don't confirm that any offers of any kind, whether monetary or non-monetary, have been made. We don't negotiate in public,” said Diacon.
He confirmed that negotiations between the two groups are continuing.
The groups have one more session scheduled this month, on Tuesday, Dec. 19.
“The University has distributed the details of the financial part of the proposal to managers to assist with the budgeting process that is
scheduled for early 2001,” said Haley. “It is a fair offer and
will need to be factored into the budgeting process by all managers.
Our goal as a bargaining team has always been to bring the negotiation
to a successful conclusion that recognizes our employees' need for fair compensation and allows for the management of the University in a
responsible and affordable manner. We are also seeking stability in our relationship. Therefore, the offer extends over a four-year period, matches the increases for The Management Group in 99-00 and 00-01, and, with compounding, totals 10 per cent over the four years.”
MUSA and the University have posted all of the information pertaining to
the bargaining framework on the Web. These documents may be viewed at
A conciliator, Bill Cormier, has been appointed by the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the two parties will meet with him on Jan. 10. Additional dates for conciliation talks are: Jan. 15, 18, 19, 25 and 26, and Feb. 1 and 2. The request for a conciliator was made by MUSA in November.