Posted on Dec. 18: McMaster applauds Ontario initiative to meet student needs through SuperBuild program

McMaster University President Peter George welcomed Tuesday's announcement by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities that there will be another round of projects to receive funding from the SuperBuild program.
For McMaster, and other post secondary institutions like McMaster that face dramatic demographic pressures due to geographic location, the commitment to capital funding for 13,000 new student spaces targeted at high growth areas of the province is a step in the right direction.
“At McMaster, we have increased our enrolment targets by a significant 20 per cent from 2001, in response to the increased demand in our catchment area that extends across the GTA and southwestern Ontario. We are acting now to ensure we are ready and able to accommodate those extra students through a comprehensive plan designed to create new student spaces in response to unprecedented enrolment increases.
“A major component of this plan is the McMaster Centre for Learning and Discovery – a state-of-the-art, multi-purpose facility that will add about 1,800 student spaces and will integrate teaching, classrooms, research facilities, incubator space and hospital critical care facilities.
“McMaster has a track record of solid partnerships with both the private sector and with government. This project is a wonderful opportunity for all three parties to work together to address the student demand for spaces in the GTA, southwestern Ontario and across the province.”