Posted on Dec. 13: Community invited to Commonwealth Games bid

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Mactron”]The City of Hamilton's Commonwealth Games Bid Committee invites the community to the McMaster campus tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 14) as it makes its pitch to host the 2010 games.
The media conference will take place in the McMaster University Student Centre atrium at 2 p.m.
The Commonwealth Games selection committee was in Halifax earlier this week and in Hamilton today and Saturday to review the two cities' bids to host the games. The committee will be on campus to hear Hamilton's presentation. A decision will be announced Monday, Dec. 16 at 11 a.m. live on CBC Newsworld.
Photo caption: McMaster's 'Mactron', the University message/score board, welcomes the Commonwealth Games selection committee to the McMaster campus.