posted on Dec. 1: Information session on new entrance on Monday, Dec. 4

McMaster's proposal for a new entrance on Main St. will be centre stage at a public information session on Monday, Dec. 4. The information session is being organized by the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth, which is overseeing the class environmental assessment of the proposal.
“The goal of the meeting is to provide information and receive community input on the environmental assessment process, existing and future developments, and proposed HSR service changes, entrance options, and evaluation criteria,” says Chris Murray, the region's acting manager of environmental planning.
The Community Advisory Committee for the assessment has met regularly since last winter. The committee includes representatives from the community, university and students. Murray says, “We are still gathering the information we need in order to move forward. This is a chance for broader public input on the progress made so far.”
The advisory committee hopes to complete its work by the end of March. A recommendation on the entrance proposal will then be forwarded to the council for the new city of Hamilton.
McMaster's Board of Governors approved the new entrance last December, with the conditions that traffic on University Avenue be minimized and that a traffic reduction strategy be examined. The proposal being reviewed by the region calls for a new McMaster entrance to be used by visitors and those parking in Zone 3. Only HSR buses and service vehicles would be permitted to use University Avenue.
In December, the President's Users' Parking and Traffic Committee will present a plan to the Board of Governors outlining possible strategies to try to reduce the amount of traffic coming to campus.
More information on the environmental assessment study can be found on the Region's Web site at
Public Information Centre
Monday, Dec. 4
3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.*
Temple Anshe Sholom
215 Cline Ave. North
*presentation at 7:30 p.m.