Posted on Aug. 5: Welcome Day a window on McMaster

It will be a taste of university life for approximately 1,500 new students and parents who will come to campus Friday, Aug. 8 for Welcome Day @ Mac 2003.
Welcome Day is an opportunity for the University to welcome first-year students and their families to the McMaster community. The program is designed to provide students and parents with valuable information before classes begin in September. Visitors have a wide variety of events to choose from including tours and information sessions. As well, department, Faculty Society, MSU services and clubs displays will be set up in McMaster University Student Centre.
Visitors will park in Zones 6 and 7 and will take a shuttle bus to the centre of campus, where most activities will take place. A large tent will be set up in the courtyard, where visitors can purchase Welcome Week MacPacs and pick up a barbeque lunch for $3.25.
For a full schedule of events, click here