Posted on Aug. 28: A little help from friends

The Hamilton community received hundreds of helping hands this week when the 114 Residence Life staff committed to volunteering for a day at organizations throughout the city.
Wednesday's event — called “community connection” — was a first for McMaster Residences, where student leaders in residence took one day of their 12-day leadership training schedule to learn about some of the city's opportunities for volunteer work.
“We wanted to expose the residence life staff to many of the services and organizations that exist in the Hamilton area so they can encourage students to contribute to their new community as volunteers,” says Lu Ann Dietrich, residence manager.
The 114 students were dispersed among 14 community organizations in Hamilton, with groups as large as 26 helping the Friends of Red Hill Valley in a trail clean up, and smaller groups helping with baking, painting, clean-up, and day trips.
The day was part of a new experiential learning component that is becoming increasingly popular in training sessions at colleges and universities across North America. It allows participants to 'learn by doing'. Organizers hope the experience will instill in participants a sense of how community contribution can be a valuable part of personal growth.
“Students living in residence generally aren't from Hamilton and they can be unaware of what's available in the community,” says Tamara Baldwin, residence life co-ordinator. “This event was the best way for residence life staff to learn about organizations and to talk about how they can provide students with similar rewarding experiences.”
Baldwin also points out that community experiences are a great way for students to apply the leadership skills they've acquired on campus and in the classroom to positively contribute to outside organizations.
Other community organizations involved in the day included the Boys & Girls Club, Canadian Football Hall of Fame, Children's International Learning Centre, Conway Opportunity Homes, City of Hamilton, Dundas Valley Conservation Area, Hamilton Mission Services, Participation House, Ronald McDonald House, Hamilton Children's Museum, Royal Botanical Gardens, St Joseph's Villa, and Wesley Urban Ministries.