Posted on Aug. 13: Building better engineers

Building a better engineer is the theme of McMaster's Faculty of Engineering and the UROP students' summer accomplishments are proof that it works.
McMaster will honour their achievements at the inaugural Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Symposium on Friday, Aug. 15 in the McMaster University Information Technology Building from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
UROP is the only program of its kind in Canada and, with a price tag of a quarter million dollars, offers first- and second-year students the opportunity to compete for paid summer employment in the research field. UROP provides exposure to research environments generally only experienced by upper level and graduate students.
“It's a really good program,” said Kevin Solomon, a second-year student who is participating in UROP for the second time. “It's relevant to my future career goals. I can apply it to school and I get an actual taste of the future.”
Solomon, working under Lisa Crossley, assistant professor in chemical engineering, researches the production of bio pharmaceutical drugs specifically the fermentation of yeast. The research is particularly relevant to cardiovascular diseases.
Stephen Elop, a McMaster alumnus, and executive vice-president of worldwide field operations for Macromedia Inc. will be on hand to address the value of mentors and networking as an integral part of an undergraduate degree.
The UROP Symposium will also include presentations by UROP participants.