posted on April 4: Status of bargaining: University’s most recent proposals now posted online

Status of Bargaining
The bargaining teams from the University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA) will return to the table today (April 4) to continue negotiations.
Last week there was reference to 10 articles that had been signed off by both the University and the union. There are another 10 where the University's bargaining team has delivered final proposals which it believes accommodates the needs expressed by MUSA, and the remaining articles where there is still work to be done. In the interests of clarity, the University has grouped these articles below and provided a link to the University's most recent proposal so that individuals in the community may read the University's proposals.
“I am confident that the University's bargaining team has addressed the concerns of the MUSA membership in many, many areas,” said Karen Belaire, vice-president administration. “I hope that everyone will take the time to read the material, reflect on some of the concerns that have been expressed and see how these proposals address those concerns.”
Articles That Have Been Agreed to and Signed Off By The University and MUSA
7 Purpose and Preamble
7 Recognition (Article 2)
7 Management Rights (Article 4) – This article addresses the concern raised about a standard of reasonableness and fairness.
7 No Discrimination or Harassment (Article 5) – The current University policies on anti-discrimination and sexual harassment remain in effect for the duration of the agreement.
7 Joint Working Conditions Committee (Article 6) – The committee has equal representation from MUSA and the University.
7 Correspondence and Information (Article 9) – This article details the provision of information from the University to MUSA.
7 Progressive Discipline and Discharge (Article 12) – The employer shall discipline or discharge an employee only for just cause.
7 Seniority (Article 14) – This article defines seniority and recognizes that one year of seniority is earned when an employee has been employed for a period of one year in which their scheduled hours are 910 or more in that year.
7 New Staff Orientation (Article 25)
7 Non-bargaining Unit Persons (Article 26)
Articles Proposed to MUSA As Final And Awaiting Agreement
The University's bargaining team has worked to address all of MUSA's expressed concerns in these articles and believes that both teams are very close to being able to agree on the articles below.
7 No Strikes or Lockouts (Article 7)
7 Association Representation (Article 8)
7 Probationary Employment (Article 13)
7 Health and Safety (Article 10)
7 Staff Information (Article 11)
7 Staff Development (Article 19)
7 Complaints and Grievances (Article 20)
7 Subcontracting or Technological Change (Article 23)
7 Position Descriptions (Article 24)
7 Copies of the Agreement (Article 28)
Articles That Remain Under Discussion
The University continues to discuss the following articles with MUSA.
7 Hours of Work (Article 15)
7 Leaves of Absence (Article 16)
7 Appointments and Promotions (Article 18)
7 Compensation (Article 21)
7 Benefits Schedule (Article 22)
To view the University's most recent proposals,click here