Posted on April 25: An opportunity to help shape McMaster’s future


The next step of McMaster's strategic plan update, Refining Directions, provides an opportunity for McMaster employees to discuss the draft document and ask related questions with President Peter George and provost Ken Norrie.

Three open sessions are scheduled over the next two weeks for employees to learn more about the draft Refining Directions report and provide their input. Feedback on any part of the document is welcomed, and specifically comments or suggestions on two key areas: the long-term enrolment targets for the University; and the proposed increase in the emphasis on graduate education.

The sessions are scheduled for the following dates:

  • Wednesday, April 30  3:30-4:30, GH-111
  • Friday, May 2  10-11 a.m., DTC-214, 215, 216
  • Friday, May 9  9-10 a.m., HSC-1A4

Building on the University's vision and mission, the draft report proposes the goals and strategies to help McMaster continue to prosper in the years following the double cohort.

The draft report includes the recommendations from six working groups addressing six areas: undergraduate education; graduate education and research; external activities; internal community; planning and managing; and branding.

The draft Refining Directions document is available from the Daily News Web site.

Input and comments on the draft report are welcome and can be forwarded to

The Refining Directions process has been overseen by a steering committee that has reviewed the recommendations from each working group along with input from numerous rounds of community consultation and presentations to the University Planning Committee, Senate, the Board of Governors and approximately 25 other groups on campus.

A final document will be presented to Senate in May and the Board of Governors in June.