Posted on April 25: American Musicological Society Program (April 26-27)

American Musicological Society, New York State – St. Lawrence Chapter
April 26-27, 2003
McMaster University
Saturday, April 26
9-9:30: Arrival, Registration
9:30-10:30: Session I: The Waltz in the 20th Century
Alexander Carpenter, University of Toronto: “(Second) Viennese Waltz:
Crisis, Change and the Waltz in Arnold Schoenberg's Oeuvre”
Teresa Magdanz, University of Toronto: “The Celluloid Waltz: Reveries of the American Carousel”
10:30-11: Coffee Break
11:00-12: Session II: “Spiritual” Music in the 16th and 17th
Marjorie Roth, Nazareth College of Rochester: “Chromaticism in Context: A New View of Orlando di Lasso's Prophetiae Sibyllarum”
Janette Tilley, University of Toronto: “From Personification to
Meditation: Representations of the 'Faithful Soul' in Lutheran
Devotional Music of the Seventeenth Century”
12-1:30: Lunch
1:30-2:30: Plenary/Keynote Address
2:30-3:30: Session III: The Agenda of Modernism in 20th-Century
Brian Locke, SUNY Stony Brook: “'Of Base and Contemptible Passions':
Madness and Modernism in Jeremias' Opera 'Bratri Karamazovi'”
Alexander Colpa, Kingston, Ont.: “The Role of Existentialist Theory in
the Early Dramstadt Schoenberg Reception: A Study in Lateral Stylistic
3:30-4: Coffee Break
4-5: Session IV: Reassessing Received Knowledge about the 20th
Rob Haskins, Eastman: “'Beating My Head Against that Wall': Cage,
Harmony and an Argument for Analysis”
Murray Dineen, University of Ottawa: “Adorno, Jazz and Schoenberg: For
the Defence”
5-6: Business Meeting
6-6:30: Concert
Richard Semmens, University of Western Ontario: recorder
Mary Cyr, University of Guelph: viola da gamba
Sandra Mangsen, University of Western Ontario: harpsichord
(Pieces by Jacques Hotteterre, Marin Marais, and Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre)
6:30: Dinner: details to be announced
Sunday, April 27
9:30-10:30: Session V Performing Sensuality in the late 18th and 19th Centuries
Emily Dolan, Cornell University: “Taming Sonority with Reason: Kant,
Rousseau, and the Glass Armonica”
Tom Denny, Skidmore College: “'Che sono i fini di chi fa mal'? – Variant Endings during Don Giovanni's First Century”
10:30-11: Coffee Break
11-12: Session VI Wagner and Verdi
Lindsay Moore, University of Toronto: “Rich Man, Poor Man: Verdi's and
Wagner's Operas and the Changing Copyright and Performance Rights Laws
of the Nineteenth Century”
Drew Stephen, University of Toronto: “The Hunt as Couleur Locale in
Verdi's Don Carlos and Wagner's Tannhaeuser”
12-12:30: Session VII Chant
Andrew Hughes, University of Toronto: “Early Printed Sarum Breviaries:
Manuscript and Continental Origins”