Posted on April 22: Studio art student exhibition opens

“….and then THE WORLD”, the annual SUMMA exhibition featuring work by students graduating from the studio art program at McMaster's School of the Arts has opened at the McMaster Museum of Art.
The exhibition, which runs until May 16, celebrates the academic accomplishments of 24 distinctive, emerging artists. This year's exhibition includes artwork in a wide range of media including painting, ceramics, sculpture and installation. The ideas and inspiration for this work spring from a wide variety of sources including personal experience, art history, literature and each other.
The participating students will give a lunchtime talk about their work on Wednesday, April 23 at 12:30 p.m. and a public reception for the exhibition will be held the evening of Thursday, April 24 from 7-9 p.m. These events are free and everyone is welcome.
SUMMA students have produced a digital exhibition catalogue.