Posted on April 17: SARS update to McMaster community


As we approach the Easter long weekend, many people will be traveling and visiting with friends and family. Local health officials wish to remind everyone to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

There continues to be no cases of SARS in Hamilton. Some individuals have undergone precautionary quarantine measures. Hamilton Health Sciences and other Hamilton hospitals continue to implement the access restrictions and precautions as directed by the provincial government in an effort to avoid further spread of the disease.

McMaster's crisis management team has established a SARS subcommittee to closely monitor related information and provide updates and direction to the McMaster community. Ongoing updates will be available on the Web site at A direct link is provided from the homepage. The Web site will also provide additional Web sites and phone numbers of resources to contact for further information.

SARS Symptoms:

As directed by the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, if you have any of the following symptoms, please stay at home and call Tele-Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 immediately:

  • a fever over 38 degrees (C)
  • respiratory difficulties including cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • if you've had close contact with anyone diagnosed with SARS or considered as a probable case (close contact' means having cared for, lived with or had face-to-face  within one metre contact with, or having had direct contact with respiratory secretions and/or body fluids of a person with SARS)
  • if, within the last 10 days, you have traveled to or from Asia where cases of SARS have been diagnosed, – specifically Hong Kong (Guangdong province), Singapore, Hanoi or Vietnam
  • if there is no other known cause for symptoms you may have
  • if you have visited Scarborough Hospital Grace Division, or been in direct contact with anyone who was, since March 16, 2003.

The Tele-Health service is available 24/7 and will provide the assistance of a nurse to help confirm if symptoms are related to SARS. Further information about being in quarantine is provided on the Ministry Web site at

Access Restrictions:

As a precautionary measure to contain SARS, public and student access is restricted to Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster's Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) until further notice.

International Students:

International students should contact Office of the International Students' Advisor/Student Exchanges/Work and Study Abroad at ext. 24748 with SARS related questions.

McMaster Employee Inquiries:

Members of the University community who have employment or sick leave questions related to SARS should contact Employee Work Life Support Services, Human Resources Benefits office at ext. 23743.

McMaster employees are also encouraged to contact the Employee Assistance Program provider, The Hurst Place at 905-521-8300 for confidential counseling and support to help with any type of stress or difficulty.

Travel Advisory:

Health Canada has issued travel advisories for several countries. In addition, Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care are advising that people who have traveled to Singapore, Hong Kong, China, or Hanoi, Vietnam, should monitor their health for symptoms for 10 days upon return to Canada. Health Canada also recommends that persons planning to travel to the listed countries should defer all travel until further notice. For those who must travel please be aware that all airlines flying to identified countries are implementing extensive precautionary measures to avoid further spread of the SARS disease. Details of the SARS advisories are available on the Health Canada Web site:

For further information about SARS:

McMaster students, staff or faculty who have questions about other issues related to SARS should contact Campus Health Centre at ext. 27700 or visit:

McMaster's Web site:

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care:

Health Canada:

World Health Organization:

SARS hotline: 1-888-668-4636

Tele-Health Ontario: 1-800-454-8302

Hamilton Public Health Office: 905-546-2679 or