Posted on April 14: Funding boosts high-tech research


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Mark Lawford”]McMaster's Mark Lawford was given a $205,000 boost for his research in software development, design and management from Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO).

The assistant professor of computing and software engineering, received $100,000 from CITO, plus $100,000 from Ontario Power Generation and $5,000 in-kind support for his two-year project entitled “Reverse Engineering of High Level Requirements from Assembly Code.”

The majority of the money will be spent on support for graduate students working on the project. The group also has applied for an additional $38,000 per year in matching funds from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

CITO has provided more than $9 million in funding to support high-tech research projects at eight Ontario universities. In the latest round of funding, CITO is providing $5.373 million and industry sponsors are contributing $3.730 million in matching cash or in-kind support.

McMaster's project also involves computing and software engineering professors Jacques Carette, Wolfram Kahl, Ridha Khedri and Alan Wassyng, who are members of the recently formed Software Quality Research Lab.