Posted Oct. 4: Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada honoured

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Royal Society Fellows”]The Royal Society of Canada is a national academy whose object is the promotion of learning and research in the arts and sciences.
Election to a Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada is the highest academic accolade available to scientists and scholars in Canada.
McMaster University currently boasts 56 Fellows and on October 1 the university celebrated the contributions of this elite group with a recognition dinner held at Hamilton's LIUNA Station.
Peter George, President and Vice-Chancellor, thanked all of the 33 Fellows able to attend the event and praised their individual accomplishments.
“It is clear that we could not have made such significant strides if it were not for your outstanding contributions. You are the backbone of this university. You have helped to shape McMaster and, as a direct result of your scholarship, we have grown into one of the country's most research-intensive universities. You are the reason we enjoy such a stellar reputation and are now able to recruit some of the most outstanding faculty, staff and students. You have truly made a difference. For this, we applaud you.”
McMaster University's Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC)
This list indicates the year in which the individual was elected as a Fellow and includes the number of the Academy to which he or she belongs.
Academy I Academie des lettres des sciences humaines
Academy II Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences
Academy III Academy of Science, which includes the
following Divisions:
Life Sciences (LS)
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
- 1980 Richard Bader (Chemistry)III-MPS
- 1962 Bernhard Banaschewski (Math) III-MPS
- 1986 John Bandler (Electrical Engineering)III-ASE
- 1992 John Bienenstock (Medicine & Pathology)III-LS
- 1964 Arthur Bourns (Chemistry) III-MPS
- 1962 Bertram Brockhouse (Physics)III-MPS
- 1984 Colin C.K.Campbell (Electrical Engineering)III-ASE
- 1983 E.J.Moran Campbell (Medicine)III-LS
- 1974 Jules P. Carbotte (Physics)III-MPS
- 1969 Pierre Conlon (French) II
- 1998 Martin Daly (Psychology) II
- 1993 Edwin E. Daniel(Medicine)III-LS
- 1979 W. Ross Datars(Physics)III-MPS
- 1971 John A. Davies (Physics) III-MPS
- 1984 Frank Denton (Economics)II
- 1991 J. David Embury Materials Sciece & Engineering III-ASE
- 2001 John Eyles (Geography)II
- 2001 Harvey Feit (Anthropology)II
- 1988 Derek Ford (Geography & Geology)III-EOAS
- 1997 Jack Gauldie (Pathology)III-LS
- 1965 Ronald J. Gillespie (Chemistry)III-MPS
- 1999 Frank Graham (Biology)III-LS
- 1987 Archie Hamielec (Chemical Engineering)III-ASE
- 1993 Rhoda Howard-Hassmann Sociology II
- 1980 Simon Haykin (Electrical& Computer Engineering) III-ASE
- 1999 Jack Hirsh (Medicine)III-LS
- 1993 Gyan P. Johari (Materials Science & Engineering)III-ASE
- 1958 Martin Johns (Physics & Astronomy)III-MPS
- 2002 John Kelton (Medicine) III-LS
- 1980 Ken Kershaw (Biology)III-LS
- 1972 Gerald W. King (Chemistry)III-MPS
- 1993 James King (English)II
- 1988 Les King (Geography)II
- 1975 Jack Kirkaldy (Materials Science & Engineering) III-ASE
- 1977 John Kuehner (Physics & Astronomy) III-MPS
- 1982 David B. MacLean (Chemistry) III-MPS
- 1965 Alexander McKay(Classics) II
- 1970 Gerry Middleton (Geology)III-LS
- 1975 Warwick J.B. Owen (English) II
- 1992 David Parnas (Computing & Software) III-ASE
- 1961 Melvin Preston(Physics & Astronomy)III-MPS
- 1991 Gary Purdy (Materials Science & Engineering)III-ASE
- 1992 David Sackett (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics III-LS
- 2001 Shelley Saunders (Anthropology)II
- 1999 Gary Schrobilgen (Chemistry)III-MPS
- 1984 Henry Schwarcz (Geograpy & Geololgy) III-EOAS
- 1961 Denis Shaw (Geograpy & Geololgy) III-EOAS
- 1985 Leslie Shemilt (Chemical Engineering)III-ASE
- 1991 Shepard Siegel (Psychology) II
- 1986 Victor Snaith (Mathematics)III-MPS
- 1980 Ian Spenser (Chemistry) III-MPS
- 1980 Donald Sprung (Physics & Astronomy)III-MPS
- 1995 Thomas Timusk (Physics & Astronomy)III-MPS
- 1984 Alan Walker (Music)II
- 1998 Margo Wilson (Psychology)II
- 1996 Sandra Witelson(Psychiatry)III-LS
Photo Caption: McMaster's Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC) gather with President George at their Oct. 1 recognition dinner.
Front Row (Seated L to R): Ron Gillespie; Melvin Preston; Rhoda Howard-Hassmann; Sandra Witelson; Martin Johns; Alexander McKay; Bertram Brockhouse; John Kelton; Tom Timusk ; Jack Kirkaldy;
Second Row (L to R): Peter George; Denis Shaw; David MacLean; Ian Spenser; Ross Datars; Archie Hamielec; Les King; Les Shemilt; Jules Carbotte; Donald Sprung; Gerry Middleton; John Kuehner; David Parnas
Third Row (L to R): Gary Schrobilgen; John Eyles; Harvey Feit; Gerry King; Richard Bader; John Bienenstock; Alan Walker; Jack Gauldie; David Embury; Shelley Saunders.Photo by Ron Scheffler