Noble looks to make a difference as new privacy commissioner

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Allisan Noble”]When Allisan Noble was approached to become McMaster's new freedom of information and privacy commissioner, she saw the opportunity to make a difference at the University.
Her first priority as commissioner is to uphold the basic principles of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Guidelines. She also handles complaints from individuals who are denied access to information and has the authority to issue a final ruling.
But her big assignment is to review the existing guidelines.”Reviewing the guidelines will give us a chance to see what it is doing and what it is not,” Noble says.
Noble won't be able to predict every issue that may arise, but she believes that there is a need to examine such issues as security cameras. “We have to ensure that they don't invade anyone's privacy, but at the same time we have to protect the University.”
She feels the review will be worthwhile because it will affect everyone. “I want to make a difference that's good for the University. I see my new position as an opportunity to do that. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure everyone's protection.”
Noble joined the University in 1985 as an assistant in the Senate Secretariat. She joined the Faculty of Science in 1988 and is now its business manager.