New online hub a one-stop-shop for Library’s suite of remote resources

From accessing print and electronic collections, to information about course eReserves and virtual research help, a new online portal is providing students, faculty and staff with quick and easy access to the Library’s suite of remote teaching, learning and research services and resources.
The Library Remote Support Hub offers virtual access to many existing Library services that are now being delivered virtually, and provides access to a number of new resources that have been developed to support students, instructors and researchers during the COVID–19 pandemic.
“Even though our librarians and staff aren’t physically on campus, the Library is still here to support the McMaster community as they navigate remote teaching, learning and research,” says Vivian Lewis, McMaster University librarian. “The Remote Support hub is designed to help all our users easily access the information, instructional resources and researcher supports they need.”
Services and resources include:
- Continued access to collections (including increased electronic access; a scan and send option; and limited curbside pickup)
- Course eReserves, a new service that provides seamless electronic access to all Library course readings
- Online, synchronous or asynchronous Library instruction support ie: Echo360 lecture capture technology
- The Ask a Librarian service
- Remote access to software on Library computers, including media creation software available on computers in the Lyons New Media Centre
- Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH) which provides assistance with data and analysis software applications such as Excel, R, Python, and SPSS
- Research Data Management support
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software and expertise
- Access to digitized primary source material including items from Archives and Research Collections and from the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection
- Virtual workshops on digital humanities, as well as software/hardware support offered through the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship
- Many more services and resources are available
Visit the Library Remote Support Hub to explore the full range of virtual services and resources.