New MacTransit shuttle routes make it fast and easy to cross campus

The shuttle service from West Campus has added more buses and new stops at MUSC and ABB.
Your trip to your workplace or classroom might have got shorter, thanks to MacTransit, a new bus system being piloted on campus.
Three new shuttle buses leaving near parking lots M and P now make several new stops on campus — at parking lots I, the Arthur Bournes Building, and the McMaster University Student Centre (MUSC).
“We wanted to ensure that our community members, particularly those experiencing mobility difficulties, can get across campus far more quickly and easily,” says Parking Services manager Robert Morrallee.
“We have placed the stops near existing bike lockers and HSR bus stops to help community members ensure they can get their last stop on campus quickly.”
During this pilot phase, which Morrallee hopes will run throughout the Fall term, Parking Services asks that riders email with their feedback on the route, and share whether any additional stops would be useful.
“I want to thank everyone who has sent in feedback. So far, our riders seem happy with the expanded service and our drivers,” says Morallee.

“The vision for MacTransit is to go beyond a shuttle, but to ultimately create a more convenient transit system on campus that includes plans for encouraging more sustainable and accessible modes of transportation,” says Debbie Martin, associate vice-president, Real Estate, Partnerships and Ancillaries.
“We’re excited to hear more from our students, faculty and staff. Above all we want to make sure it helps meet their needs.”
The new transit system is part of Parking Services’ new strategic plan that will be released in the fall. Based on consultation with students, faculty and staff, the plan includes a new permit-sharing program to reduce parking costs and explore ways to in which parking can be part of an integrated and sustainable transportation plan.
Click here to email with your feedback on the new shuttle bus routes