Mystery writers and police officers dig up the (arti)facts

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Students dig up bones”]”From Crime Scene to Courtroom,” a compelling seminar examining the context, methodology and the validity of forensic science in criminal investigations, continues on campus today and tomorrow. The workshop features a unit of top forensic science and legal professionals — all equipped to share the techniques and technologies used to solve some of the world's worst crimes.
The three-day educational seminar gives participants an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in archeological techniques of crime-scene recovery, analysis of skeletal remains for forensic anthropology, odontology, basic forensic pathology and interpretation of DNA evidence – all of which contribute to the building of an infallible legal case. Police officers from across the province, a private investigator, mystery writers and anthropology students are among those enrolled in the workshop.
Yesterday, students excavated a simulated crime scene using archeological techniques and learned how forensic DNA evidence is analyzed and interpreted.
Two evening lectures, one tonight and one tomorrow night, are open to the public. “The Red Baron's Last Flight: The Contribution of Forensic Pathology to the Solution of a World War I Controversy” tonight (Tuesday, June 27, 7 p.m., KTH-B135), and “A Decade of DNA Profiling” (Wednesday, June 28, 7 p.m., CNH-104). There is a $20 fee for each lecture.