Media Production Services wins big at CUPMAC

Phil Poelmans, MPS Director, with Judy Peace, CUPMAC President, and Simon Oakley, MPS Creative and Web Development Manager. McMaster Media Production Services won two awards at the 2019 conference, including best overall in the people's choice awards. Photo by Bob Neubauer, In-Plant Impressions.
In the past five years, Media Production Services (MPS) has been racking up the awards – 12 in fact, including two recent wins at the College & University Print Management Association of Canada conference for digital production: black & white, and people’s choice best overall for a graphic design portfolio book.
“I’m really proud of our team,” said Phil Poelmans, MPS Director. “We focus on delivering the best print, graphic design and web services to our campus clients and it’s rewarding to be recognized by our peers at colleges and universities across Canada.”
The winning production entry was a set of personalized notepads that MPS sent to 400 clients as a thank you gift for completing a customer satisfaction survey. The notepads drove a 500% increase in survey responses compared with the previous year.
Originally entered in the graphic design category, the MPS portfolio booklet nabbed the award for people’s choice best overall piece in the production awards, as voted on by all conference attendees.
“We’re always trying to come up with the most effective, creative communications solutions for our customers,” says Poelmans. “I think people sometimes see our work on campus but don’t realize it’s been produced by us in house. We consider it a privilege to help our clients achieve their visions and ambitions in design and printing and so we wanted to showcase all our excellent collaborative projects.”
As an ancillary service, MPS contributes to the university financially as well as adding value for campus customers.