McMaster’s Relay for Life raises $45,000 for cancer research


The McMaster Relay for Life committee organized its second annual Relay for Life event at McMaster last Friday night.

More than 400 McMaster students, faculty, family and community members buzzed with excitement and anticipation on the Ivor Wynne track as the opening ceremonies took place.

The first lap of the Relay was completed by four cancer survivors from the McMaster community. They walked proudly around the track to the theme song We are the Champions as 400 people followed behind them, applauding their boundless courage and heart in their battles against cancer.

At dusk, the participants made their way outside for the luminary ceremony, where hundreds of lit luminary bags with messages written by participants in honour of those who had lost their lives to cancer illuminated the track.

Inside, teams set up creatively decorated tents and sleeping areas in Burridge gym as a place to rest, relax and socialize when they were not walking laps on the track or participating in the many other activities that the event had to offer.

Twelve hours and many laps and cups of coffee later, participants congregated on the track for the closing ceremonies.

Prizes were given to the most spirited teams, a touching poem written by one team about cancer was read aloud, and teams took the track for one final lap.

In total, the event raised $45,000 for cancer research and support programs. Donations can still be made online for another week, and the committee is determined to reach the $53,000 mark, which was the amount that was raised last year at McMaster's first Relay for Life event.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this event such a huge success, and stay tuned for details about next year's event, as Relay at McMaster is here to stay.